W are going to run all tutorials online via Blackboard Collaborate.

Join Your Tutorial Session on Blackboard Collaborate

  • Go to the Moodle page for COMP3411 (21T1),
  • Click on Collaborate - Online Teaching link,
  • Go to the session for your tutorial (with corresponding time and tutor name). There are multiple pages, your session could be in the next pages
  • Your tutor will interact with you, deliver the tutorial online, answer your queries.

Important points:

  • Students should join their tutorial session, like physical tutorial
  • You will learn much more if you actively participate. It's very hard for the tutor to know what information you need if you don't ask questions.
  • Your remote tutorial is at the same time as mentioned in the Timetable.

To learn more how to use Blackboard Collaborate, please read the information on the following link: Blackboard Collaborate Ultra

Resource created Saturday 06 February 2021, 09:11:01 PM, last modified Monday 22 February 2021, 07:39:06 PM.

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