W are going to run all tutorials online via
Blackboard Collaborate.
Join Your Tutorial Session on
Blackboard Collaborate
Go to the Moodle page for COMP3411 (21T1),
Click on
Collaborate - Online Teaching
Go to the
session for your tutorial
(with corresponding time and tutor name). There are multiple pages, your session could be in the next pages
Your tutor will interact with you, deliver the tutorial online, answer your queries.
Important points:
Students should join their tutorial session, like physical tutorial
You will learn much more if you actively
participate. It's very hard for the tutor to know what information you need if you don't ask questions.
Your remote tutorial is at the same time as mentioned in the Timetable.
To learn more
how to use
Blackboard Collaborate,
please read the information on the following link:
Blackboard Collaborate Ultra
Resource created Saturday 06 February 2021, 09:11:01 PM, last modified Monday 22 February 2021, 07:39:06 PM.